သူငယ္ခ်င္းတုိ႔ေရ မဂၤလာပါဗ်ာ...

မဂၤလာပါ...ျမန္မာဆုိဒ္မ်ားမွသတင္းႏွင့္ကဗ်ာမ်ားကုိျပန္လည္ေဖာ္ျပထာေသာက်ေနာ္ရဲ့ဆုိဒ္ေလးကုိအားေပးၾကတဲ့မိတ္ေဆြအေပါင္းအားလုံးကုုိအထူးေက်းဇူးတင္ပါတယ္...ခြင့္မေတာင္ဘဲတင္ထားေသာဤကဗ်ာပုိင္ရွင္ဆရာၾကီးမ်ားကုိလဲအထူးေက်းဇူးတင္ရွိပါတယ္ ဆုိဒ္ေတာ္ေတာ္မ်ားမ်ားမွျပန္လည္မွ်ေဝထားပါတယ္... ""



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Sunday, May 5, 2013

ဘာလီမွာဗံုးခြဲခဲ့တဲ့ အၾကမ္းဖက္ေခါင္းေဆာင္က ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံကုိ ဘာသာေရးစစ္ပြဲဆင္ႏႊဲမယ္လို႔ဆို

ျမန္မာႏုိင္ငံက ဗုဒၶဘာသာ၀င္ေတြကုိ ဘာသာေရးစစ္ပြဲဆင္ႏႊဲမယ္လို႔ အင္ဒိုနီးရွား အစၥလာမ္မစ္စစ္ေသြးၾကြ ေတြရဲ့ ေခါင္းကိုင္ဖခင္ႀကီး အဘူဘာကာ ဘရွား ကၿခိမ္းေျခာက္ခဲ့ၿပီးတဲ့ေနာက္မွာ အင္ဒုိနီးရွားက အစၥလာမ္ စစ္ ေသြးၾကြေတြဟာ ျမန္မာႏုိင္ငံကုိ ပစ္မွတ္ထားလာပါတယ္။
အဲဒီလိုၿခိမ္းေျခာက္ထားတာကို အစြန္းေရာက္၀ဘ္ဆုိဒ္တစ္ခုျဖစ္တဲ့ Voice of al-Islam မွာ ၾကာသပ ေတးေန႔ကေဖာ္ျပခဲ့ၿပီး နာရီပိုင္းအတြင္းမွာပဲ ဂ်ာကာတာျမိဳ႕လယ္က ျမန္မာသံရံုးကို ဗံုးေဖာက္ခြဲဖို႔ ပိုက္ဗံုး ေတြ သယ္လာတဲ့လူႏွစ္ေယာက္ကို လမ္းမွာအင္ဒုိရဲေတြက ဖမ္းဆီးရမိခဲ့ပါတယ္။
၂၀၀၂ ခုႏွစ္ ဘာလီဗံုးခြဲသမားေတြကို လႈံ႕ေဆာ္ေပးခဲ့တဲ့ အဘူဘာကာက ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံဟာ ရခုိင္ျပည္နယ္ က ရိုဟင္ဂ်ာေတြကို လူမ်ိဳးတုန္းသတ္ျဖတ္မႈေဆာင္ရြက္ေနၿပီး ဘာသာေရးစစ္ပြဲဆင္ႏႊဲျခင္းဟာ တစ္ခု တည္းေသာ အေျဖျဖစ္တယ္လို႔ ဆိုပါတယ္။
“ဘာသာေရးစစ္ပြဲမဆင္ႏႊဲခ်င္တဲ့ ငါတို႔အမွားေၾကာင့္ ဒီလိုျဖစ္ရတာ၊ ဘာသာေရးစစ္ပြဲဆင္ႏႊြဲခ်င္တဲ့ အတြက္ ဖိလစ္ပိုင္မူဆလင္ေတြဟာ အင္အားေကာင္းၾကတယ္” လို႔ အဘူဘာကာက ေျပာၾကားခဲ့တယ္။
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“အလႅာရဲ့ခြင့္ျပဳခ်က္အရ ငါတို႔ဟာ ျမန္မာေတြကို ကြန္ျမဴနစ္ရုရွားေတြ၊ ဒါမွမဟုတ္ အေမရိကန္ေတြလို အစိတ္စိတ္ၿပိဳကြဲပ်က္စီးသြားေအာင္ (ေဂါ့့ဒ္ရဲ့အလိုအရ) ေခ်မႈန္းၾကရမယ္။ ေမတၱာထားၾကပါလို႔ ဗုဒၶဘာ သာရဲ့ ဆံုးမခ်က္ေတြဟာ အဓိပၸါယ္မရွိတာေတြ၊ လက္ေတြ႔မွာ ဗုဒၶဘာသာ၀င္ေတြဟာ မူဆလင္ ရိုဟင္ဂ်ာ ေတြကို သတ္ေနၾကတယ္” လို႔ အဘူဘာကာက ေျပာခဲ့ပါတယ္။
ၾကာသပေတးညက အင္ဒိုပုလိပ္ေတြဟာ အိမ္လုပ္ဗံုးငါးလံုးကို သယ္လာတဲ့ လူႏွစ္ေယာက္ကို ျမန္မာသံရံုး ကိုလာတဲ့လမ္းမွာ ဖမ္းဆီးခဲ့ပါတယ္။
Islamic terrorists in Indonesia have a new target after militant godfather Abu Bakar Bashir threatened holy war against the Buddhists of Myanmar.
Just hours after the threat was reported on radical site Voice of al-Islam on Thursday, two men were arrested carrying pipe bombs on their way to the Myanmar embassy in central Jakarta.
The report quoted Mr Bashir, who motivated the Bali bombers in 2002, saying Myanmar was conducting genocide against Rohingya Muslims in the Arakan state in the country's west, and that jihad was the only solution.
"These events are all due to our own mistakes because we don't want to do jihad," Mr Bashir is quoted as saying. "The Muslims in the Philippines are strong because they want to do jihad."
The leader, who is serving a 15-year jail term on terror offences, called upon Indonesia's "mujahideen," (fighters of holy war) to destroy Myanmar as they had destroyed the communist USSR by throwing them out of Afghanistan.
"With the permission of Allah we will treat you and your people just like (we treated) communist Russia, which has gone to pieces, or just like America, which will perish soon (God willing)," he is quoted as saying.
"The Buddhist teaching of love is just a nonsense because in reality it is the Buddhists who have slaughtered the Muslims of Rohingya."
On Thursday night, Indonesia police arrested two men who were allegedly carrying five home-made bombs, as they made their way towards the Myanmar embassy.
Two others were arrested later after anti-terror police raided a property in South Jakarta and seized more explosives.
Police spokesman Boy Rafli Amar said those arrested were seeking revenge for the treatment of Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar.
At least 200 Muslims were killed and more than 125,000 chased from their homes in the Arakan state of Myanmar last year. Human Rights Watch accused Rakhine Buddhist groups of instigating the violence and the state authorities of failing to intervene.
On April 5, eight Buddhist fishermen were killed in a clash with Rohingya muslims at a detention centre in Sumatra, Indonesia, after the Buddhists raped and harassed three muslim women.

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သင့္စိတ္ႏွင့္သင့္ကုိယ္လြတ္လက္စြာေပါက္ကြဲပုိင္ခြင့္ရွိပါတယ္ ဒါေပမဲ့ သင္ေပးသြားတဲ့ Comment ဟာသင့္ရဲ႕စိတ္ထားပါပဲ မိတ္ေဆြ...လာေရာက္အားေပးတဲ့အတြက္ အျမဲေက်းဇူးတင္ေနမွာပါ.....GOOD LUCK...

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